Email filesystem layout Overview This article covers the raw storage structure of email on your account. All email is stored in a Maildir format,...
Achieving Inbox Zero Overview Inbox Zero is a rigorous approach to keep your inbox free of e-mail – or at least nearly empty. Any mail...
Mail forwarded to GMail is delayed Overview When creating a forwarded email to deliver mail to third-party providers, such as GMail and Live, mail delivery may...
Mail sent via rejects with “Relaying Denied” Overview Email that is sent over TCP via or the server IP address is rejected with a “521: Relaying...
Sending mail from your account IP Overview Accounts that purchase a separate IP address for SSL ($2.50/mo) may also, optionally, send outbound mail solely through that...
Separating mail to same user, different domain Overview Accounts may host multiple domains under one account. In certain circumstances, an e-mail address on one domain must deliver...
Authorizing hostnames to handle e-mail Overview A hostname, combination of optional subdomain and mandatory domain, may be configured to act as an e-mail domain, ie....
Migrating mail from elsewhere Overview When migrating from a previous hosting provider or even consolidating user accounts, it may be necessary to incorporate email...
Unable to send e-mail Overview Client is able to receive e-mail, but not send. If client is unable to both send and receive e-mail,...
Connection to mail over SSL fails Overview IMAP, POP3, and SSL that connect over SSL either via STARTTLS on port 143/110/587 or 993/995/465 respectively fail with...